Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Hidden Violence Essay Example for Free

Hidden Violence Essay The word gang-everyone knows what it means or what it stands for. Of course by the time children get to the end of their elementary years they’ve heard of know gangs such as; the Cribs, Bloods, Latin Kings, Vatos Locos, but none of those names cause as much fear and terror as the gang called La Mara Salvatrucha aka MS-13. La Mara known for their psychotic methods of killing and running their turf, no other gang comes close to causing the same fear as La Mara Salvatrucha (ms-13gang. com). Forced to abandon their home land due to the civil war in El Salvador, the adventure to the U.S. was good at the start but soon the odds turned against them. Therefore for their protection they were forced to start was today is known as the most dangerous gang of the world La Mara Salvatrucha (National Geographic). A simple face-off between El Salvador’s government and guerrilla groups began the civil war of 1980 in El Salvador. The civil war killed 75,000 people and left 8,000 missing and another million or so homeless. The war was known for the government’s massacres and its Death Squads killing of civilians, nuns and priests (bookrag.com). This led many Salvadorians to search for a better life, many of whom came to America for their fresh beginning. A group of refugees in Pico Union, California had to get used to their new home, not knowing that by escaping the war in El Salvador they had just jumped right into a new one against the LA street gangs. Immigrate parents working endless sifts providing no parental supervision; young Salvadorian children were being raised by the streets of LA. After being beaten, stabbed, and harassed by the rest of the LA street gangs, a group of refugees decided to form a strong hold or as it is called in Salvador, a Mara. They said, â€Å"If these guys want violence we’ll show them violence† keep in mind that these refugees had a good knowledge of what violence was as well as having previous military training (ms-13gang.com). Then came the day when they said enough is enough it is time to take a stand, and the infamous MS-13 was formed. Born in LA in the 1980’s, expanding to parts of Canada, Spain, England, and Germany becoming bigger and dangerous day by day. La Mara can now be found in Washington D.C, Oregon, Alaska, Arkansas, Texas, Nevada, Utah, Oklahoma, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Maryland, Virginia, Georgia, and Florida just alone in the United States. In Central America they can be found in El Salvador, Mexico, Guatemala and several other Latin countries. MS-13 is considered to be one of the most dangerous and organized in the world (altereddimensions.net).There are two ways to get into the gang. For males one is to get jumped in, which means the new recruit is surround by numerous members and beaten for at least 13 seconds. The other way is by killing either an enemy gang member or just a simple killing. For females there is a third option which is to get having sexual intercourse with several MS members or as they call it gang banged. MS-13 has many similar criminal characteristics as other gang such as: smuggling drugs, people, and weapons. The biggest difference with MS-13 is the willingness to use brutality in all their activities (keysaferschools.com). All of the MS-13 activities were kept low-profile very well. Unlike many gang which us guns, knives, and ropes to hang their victims, La Mara Salvatrucha uses machetes, which have become their weapon of choice (ms-13gang.com). From the start gang members only wore white, gray, and blue colors mostly colors token from El Salvador’s flag. Using a weapon such as the machete is pretty insane right? Well they went all out with this weapon not just slicing n dicing all their enemies but also just by smacking their brains out with the machetes. Let’s get to the gang signs they throw up when representing their hood. Using one hand where they stick out the pinky finger as well as the index finger letting the thumb cross over the other two fingers that are cured into the palm. Another gang sign is using both hands having both index fingers and thumbs out, extending the two fingers between the index and the pinky half way out still cured also on both hands which leaves the pinky h idden on the side last thing is to join the pinky knuckles together also having the ring fingers touch. This powerful symbolism a fearing sight to experiences, both representing devil horns are yet another hint why these guys are considered to be, if not the most, at least one of the top dangerous gangs in the world (mahalo.com). Representing their hood is so important to them that they use their own faces to rep their hood. MS members tattooing them-self all over the body especially on the face, with signs such as, MS-13, 666, and X III in big letters and fonts too. All their tattoos are gothic which simply means something very dark spirited, members will most commonly have 666 tatted on their body (ms-13gang.com). Stacking, some call it a type of dance to gangs it is just another type of language used to tell the other gangs they are MS-13 and that this is their turf. Not only do they claim their territory and rep their hood, but also around non-members, police, and enemy gangs stacking is used as their secret code language. The reason that some people think of stacking being a type of dance is because basically it uses the whole body moving in a redeem following behind hand motions. Starting out in California, soon after their members were being deported back to their home countries right after El Salvador’s civil war ended (altereddimensions.com). Police force in their native country not being suited to face off against MS-13’s level of brutality had no way to control or restrain them, and MS-13 began to grow extremely all over El Salvador. Not wanting to attract too much police attention they decide to move to their neighboring country, Honduras. Honduras a very significant act of the MS-13’s reign of terror along with a period filled with fear and anxiety for Hondurans. The Gang Slaughter of La Mara Salvatrucha on a bus with six children and twenty-two adults left a huge impact in the eyes of many. Suspected gang members armed with assault rifles cruelly sprayed a bus full with h oliday shoppers in the city of San Pedro Sula in Honduras. One of the suspected gang members was arrested in the same area just hours after the horrific action found with two assault rifles, two pistols, and ammunition in his vehicle. Another two where found just 10 miles away from San Pedro Sula two days after (altereddimensions.net). Only these three arrested suspects were linked to MS-13. As for the rest of the sad people who joined in this satanic act are believed that they were going through inanition for La Mara Salvatrucha. Yet again MS-13 attracting much attention from the Honduran authorities, they decided to move again but this time they don’t move together they spread like crazy (ms-13gang.com). Then the world wide spread started from this point on, migrating back to the United States to rejoin their soldiers left behind, and spreading over Central America as well as in parts of Europe and Asia. Up until 2002 no police department had any solid information on La Mara Salvatrucha. That’s until a brave young lady Brenda Paz spoke out against the infamous MS-13 on a search for a new start (mahalo.com). At only 16 years of age Brenda wanted to take a stand and try to stop what today is classified as an organized crime. At the time Brenda had just got paginate by the leader in her area which he knew nothing about. For almost six months she was under protection provided by the government but due to her pregnancy she left the area to get some air and have open space. Just soon after in 2003 she was found dead in Virginia-she was six months pregnant. Her body was found under a bridge in Shenandoah County. Stabbed 13 times all over the body this is just another act of La Mara Salvatrucha to show they are for real (altereddimensions.net). Several MS-13 members have been accused of the killing, Brenda who was helping authorities from at least six states investigate the gang was a great lost for the police force as well. In most case MS-13 members feel great pride when carrying out violent actions because to them it’s the crazier, most violent, and originally that gets them more resp ect with the gang, ranking up in other words. Imagine a little snow ball, what happens to the tiny thing when rolled around a few times? It grows tremendously right, yeah exactly correct. The more and more you roll it the bigger it gets. That’s how La Mara Salvatrucha started out as a simple little snow ball and look at it now, seems to me that it hasn’t stopped rolling yet and never will. Their first enemy 18 street a Mexican gang in Cali, the LAPD, the FBI and many more couldn’t stop them, what makes you think anyone can! People just stay clear of the streets avoid crossing with gangs and If you hear of MS-13 near you just stay inside. MS-13 has no respect to anyone other than their own and will let their full fury out on anyone who crosses in their way. N.p.: n.p., 1999. Web. 20 Apr. 2011. . N.p.: SparTech Software, 1998-2011. Web. 20 Apr. 2011. . Logan, Samuel. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2011. . N.p.: n.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2011. . N.p.:  © National Geographic Channel, 2009. Web. 20 Apr. 2011. .

Monday, January 20, 2020

Global Pollution Essay -- Environment, Environmental Issues

Pollution is a growing issue in the world and is the major cause that contributes to many environmental problems. What is usually classified as pollution, what kind of pollution is present in the world, and what the people are doing to deal with this pollution issue in the world. There are several problems with world pollution that are associated with global warming and include waste disposal, water pollution, and air pollution. These things are usually caused by people on the planet who produce waste. This has been a growing complication and is (omit) now been taken as a serious issue. Solutions to these situations have been considered to keep the Earth and all the things in it. One of the situations that are involved with world pollution is waste disposal. There are many ways in which garbage or other materials are disposed of, which involves the most obvious solution, and the one most commonly used, is simply to bury those wastes underground, often in metal drums or concrete containers. This method of disposal has any several drawbacks, however. For example, drums and containers break open, leaking hazardous chemicals into the groundwater. People living near hazardous waste sites are then exposed to those chemicals in their drinking water, through food grown on the land, or in other ways. Since people of color and low-income people tend to live near hazardous waste sites far more often than do more affluent white people, hazardous waste disposal is a problem of special concern to those communities (Newton). Another way used to dispose of waste is through incineration. This method requires very close monitoring, since the ashes and smoke can still be just as hazardous as its physical form. Burning wastes at very high ... ...e environment that have had an influence on the habitats of many organisms. Most of these pollution incidents have a negative effect on both our environment and economy, which deals with how food is produced and how it is affected by pollution. Water has also been influenced negatively by the overcoming waste that is manufactured by people and certain businesses and when it is polluted by garbage, there is nothing that is done until it becomes a problem. Everyone in the world contributes to pollution, every single nation, person, and establishment, has some contribution to pollution. The only solution to the widespread of pollution can only be to produce better and more efficient ways of providing power for our everyday needs. The resources used mainly cause’s pollution, since every nation uses their own resources that (omit) have an influence on the environment.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Measuring Customer Satisfaction

In the wake of current economic decline, organizations clearly understand the need for good customer relations. Consumers are paying strict attention to the quality, cost and availability of the products they desire. Moreover, consumers are watching the business practices of the organizations that provide them with goods and services. Organizations understand that in order to be profitable they need to create and maintain a wholesome customer base and in order to do this the customer has to be satisfied. When measuring the quality of an organization’s goods and services, customer satisfaction predicts whether they retain their current customer base. At the very least organizations want to maintain current customers because adding new ones can be costly. Organizations need to know what expectations their customers have of their services and products, the effectiveness of their marketing strategies, the strength of their company's image, as well as the key elements that most heavily influence customer retention for their business (Importance of Customer Feedback, 2011). This paper will explore what best practices such as customer feedback and evaluations, customer satisfaction, market analysis, service analysis and marketing strategic planning organizations are using to measure customer satisfaction in order to keep their loyal customers while adding new ones. Customer Feedback and Evaluations Organizations are listening to and acting on what their customers are saying by using customer feedback and evaluations tools to improve their company’s success. They using this to stay in sync with their customers’ wants and demands of the goods and services they provide. Companies understand by tailoring their goods and services to meet the customers desires will lead to higher business success (Bosma Research International, 2011). Customer Satisfaction Companies are realizing that for them to maintain a high level of success customer satisfaction is the key. They understand to achieve this, they have to know who their customers are, what’s important to them, how satisfied they are with their goods and services, what keeps them coming back or why are they leaving, what are their needs and expectations of the goods and services provided and are those needs and expectations being met (Bosma Research International, 2011). Market Analysis Market analysis is another important tool that organizations are using to measure customer satisfaction. During this analysis, companies are looking at who are their competitors, how do customers compare them to their competitors, what can they do to increase their competitive edge and how do they compare to industry standards and benchmarks (Bosma Research International, 2011). Service Analysis Organizations rely heavily on their internal analysis and they understand the importance of this tool. In this analysis, companies are looking at what goods and services they provide are most important to their customers, what elements drive customer satisfaction and what is it about the goods and services they provide affects customer retention the most (Bosma Research International, 2011). Marketing and Strategic Planning Finally, businesses are using marketing and strategic planning techniques to measure customer satisfaction. Organizations are looking at the changes needed to their goods and services, how to prioritize the changes and how to implement the changes (Bosma Research International, 2011). Companies understand that this tool is probably one of the most important; however, all the aforementioned customer satisfaction measurements are closely interlinked. Types of Industries Compiled below are a list of industries I think would benefit from the customer satisfaction tools discussed in this paper: Chemical; Consumer Products; Electronics; Consulting; Retail; Publishing; Media; Health Care; Professional Services; Telecommunications; Financial Services; Banking; Computer Software; and Utilities. Each of these industries has a customer ase that they provide goods and services to; moreover, they each have a large number of competitors that their customers can choose. Linkage to My Organization’s Practices This is a challenge linking these customer satisfaction tools to my former organization (US Army) because the Army does not sell products or services. However, I will go out on a limb to say that the US Army sells itself to the American people to gain recruits, trust and support. The US Army uses internal feedback and evaluations to improve training, food, housing, medical services, weapon systems and other equipment to retain current force levels. They understand that if Soldiers are not satisfied they will leave the service in rapid numbers. The US Army does have competitors (i. e. US Air Force, Marines, Navy, Coast Guard and Civilian Industries) and they look at what their competitors are offering that is equivalent. The US Army spends millions of dollars on marketing and strategic planning to attract new recruits as well keeping their current personnel. Recommendations for My Organizational Improvements I would recommend improving the quality of pay and benefits, recreational services, medical services, and assignment rotations. Summary  In conclusion, customer satisfaction is an important factor for the bottom line. Statistics show that the typical company gets 65 percent of its business from existing customers and it costs five times more to find a new customer than to keep an existing one happy. One study found that businesses with 98 percent customer retention rate are twice as profitable as those at 94 percent (Evans & Lindsay, 2009, p. 193). This research shows the importance of creating and implementing best practice tools to measure customer satisfaction, in doing so businesses will not only retain their current loyal customers but also in return add new ones.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Joy Luck Club By Amy Tan - 1459 Words

Wiktoria Ostrowska 12/1/15 JLC FLE First Draft English 8-6 Clear Reflection, of Personality The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan follows multiple Chinese-American women who struggle with their self-identity and creating a balance between American and Chinese culture. Because of their immigration and many hardships in life, many of the women feel like they cannot truly tell who they are anymore, and throughout the novel these women are portrayed as ghosts. Ghosts are used to symbolize these women because they share many parallels including being only a remnant of who they once were, or who they could be. Ying-ying St. Clair is one of the women, who has a daughter named Lena St. Clair, she has had a troubled past in China, which has made her lose her fighting spirit, and her spirit in general. Ying-ying is fully aware of her loss of spirit and is embarrassed because she considers ghosts to be shameful and weak, and wants to save her daughter, Lena, from her fate. In the chapter â€Å"Waiting Between the Trees† Ying-yingâ €™s past in China that she has kept from her daughter is revealed. When she was young she believed that she was too good for any man, however eventually she realized she had to settle and married an indecent man, despite her being extremely vain. She had given up herself for this man, only for him toShow MoreRelatedThe Joy Luck Club By Amy Tan1192 Words   |  5 Pages(H) The life of women has drastically changed throughout the ages. (CIS) The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan portrays life in America and in China in the 1930’s for women. (GS1) When stories are true, there is more power behind them. (GS2) Novels need accuracy for the book to have feeling. (GS3) A rave-worthy novel needs truth to really draw the reader in. (thesis) Author Amy Tan accurately portrays life for Chinese women in the 1930’s and it enhances the power of the novel because the stories have trueRead MoreThe Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan963 Words   |  4 PagesThe novel The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan show s the past and present experiences of several women including An-mei Hsu, the mother of Rose Hsu Jordan. Beginning at a young age, An-mei has to endure many situations. Her grandmother tells her that her mother is a ghost but she comes back to take care of her grandmother when she is ill. Due to the absence of her mother during her childhood years, she tries to be there for Rose as much as possible but is pushed away. An-mei believes she has nengkin, theRead MoreThe Joy Luck Club By Amy Tan Essay913 Words   |  4 PagesThe Joy Luck Club is the first novel by Amy Tan, published in 1989. The Joy Luck Club is about a group of Chinese women that share family stories while they play Mahjong. When the founder of the club, Suyuan Woo, died, her daughter June replaced her place in the meetings. In her first meeting, she finds out that her lost twin sisters were alive in China. Before the death of Suyuan, the other members of the club located the address of June’s half-sisters. Afte r that, they send June to tell her half-sistersRead MoreThe Joy Luck Club By Amy Tan2055 Words   |  9 Pagesopinion. This is the case within the novel The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, as the American daughters of the China-born mothers grow up in perpetual disconnect because of their cultural differences. Consequently, the daughters’ view of their mother’s love is distorted. Without a clear comprehension of their mother’s love, which is shown in forms of her words and actions, the daughters are constantly haunted by life’s difficulties. Thus, The Joy Luck Club emphasizes that a bond between a mother and daughterRead MoreThe Joy Luck Club By Amy Tan Essay2289 Words   |  10 Pagesarticle was written by Amy Tan, who is an English major and an author. Tan originally spoke about this topic at a group discussion about her book, The Joy Luck Club and later turned it into an essay for The Threepenny Review. She wrote this article to explain to writers everywhe re that there are many different styles of English and that even someone who has majored in English and has published works can speak unconventional English. In â€Å"Mother Tongue† from The WakeTech Reader, Amy Tan (1989) examines theRead MoreThe Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan841 Words   |  3 PagesIn the Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, tells stories of four Chinese mothers and four Chinese-American daughters and their mother-daughter relationship. The four mothers met in a San Francisco church in 1949. Suyuan Woo, founder of the Joy Luck Club, convinced the other mothers An-Mei Hsu, Lindo Jong, and Yingying St. Clair to join the club. The club would meet every week at one of the mother’s house where they eat food, play mahjong, and brag about their daughters. The Chinese-American daughters tellRead MoreThe Joy Luck Club By Amy Tan930 Words   |  4 PagesMerriam Webster’s dictionary defines sacrifice as â€Å"the act of giving up something that you want to keep espe cially in order to get or do something else or to help someone†. In Amy Tan’s novel, The Joy Luck Club, a central theme present throughout is sacrifice. This novel depicts the sacrifices made by a group of immigrant mothers in order for their daughters to have a better life in America. Although the daughters do not realize the reasons behind their mothers motives until their stories and personalRead MoreThe Joy Luck Club By Amy Tan Essay1377 Words   |  6 PagesThe Joy Luck Club is a novel by Amy Tan which tells the individual, cohesive stories of Chinese American daughters and their Chinese mothers. In each story, the cultural differences between mother and daughter acts as a wedge between them. The conflicting cultures of descent and consent causes a conflict between mother and daughter; although they ultimately want to have a relationship with each other, the differences in values make coming together harder. For the mothers, their expectations for theirRead MoreTh e Joy Luck Club By Amy Tan1164 Words   |  5 PagesThe Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan is about four Chinese immigrant mothers and their four daughters, who were born and raised in America. The mothers, through their experiences in China, have attained vast knowledge that they now wish to pass on to their daughters. One mother, An-mei Hsu, wants to pass on her knowledge to her daughter, Rose Hsu Jordan. Rose is worried about her inevitable divorce with her husband, which was caused by her indecisiveness. An-mei hopes that by giving Rose advice, she canRead MoreAmy Tan s The Joy Luck Club1097 Words   |  5 PagesCulture defines humanity. Culture makes humans different than any other living organism ever known. Culture is what makes humans unique, and yet culture is easily the most misunderstood characteristic of individuals. In Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan develops the theme of incomplete cultural understanding leads to an inability to communicate one’s true intent ions through juxtaposition and conflict between mothers and daughters and their cultures. The conflicting Chinese culture of the mothers’